Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Card Layout Design

Check out this really awesome looking card layout. It's finally here for all to see. 

Obviously the logo in the center of the card is definitely a filler piece for now but just imagine how great it's going to look with grunts filling these cards. You'll notice the borders might seem a little large but that's to account for drift when the cards are printed. There's going to be far more coming but I wanted to share the layout this week. 

More to come but what do you like about the card layout, dislike about it, and would you change anything? 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Thoughts of a Mad Scientist: World Governments

I often ask myself what would it be like to have one world government. It's an important question to ask oneself when striving towards world domination. If you aren't comfortable with the idea of running a government why would you want to conquer the entire world anyways?

Other mad scientists may want to conquer the world because they just want to see the world burn like the psychopathic cheaters and thieves they are. Many mad scientists thrive on chaos and destruction. Lets face it, smashing things is fun. I enjoy it too.

I would like to think that my motivation for conquering the world are humane. I find myself looking at each of the governments around the world and see how horrible they treat everyone. Shouldn't they be freed? Shouldn't everyone be free? YES they should, EVERYONE SHOULD BE FREE. Even if it smashes them. Muahahahahahahahaha!

Oh what the world will be like when My Grunts have finished beating out those Other grunts and mad Scientist. One world order under me. Dr. Cassini Medtt would be a paradise where everyone can enjoy the convenience of one currency with my face on it. And maybe my cat. His face too.

If you think about the existing governments of the world you can identify many different problems,  inefficiencies, and corruptions among each of them. Politicians stealing from the coffers, stagnate rules blocking actions, and Casual Fridays to name a few of the problems. Under my rule, we will start by renaming all the governments to The Unified Earth Directorate. That way there is only one thing for people to remember. Honestly, who can remember the well over 210 countries names and thousands of government organizations. Not me... So probably not you either.

Yes, all of the corruption will be streamlined into one central location. The Department of Corruption! It will cover all of our needs. It will do all the things everyone is used to happening in their governments to keep everyone comfortable with the turmoil going on during the transition.

Doesn't make sense? Well why should it, you're not in my head are you? ARE YOU?!?!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Origins Game Fair and a Potential Free MLS Game With Us

First off, check out our logo!!! It's finally here. We're pretty excited to be able to show it off. Let us know what you think.

As you can probably tell, stuff is really ramping up here on the Gamma Grunts front. We are still working on logistics while James Koenig, our artist, has started illustrating this week. We are continuing to learn what people expect from our game and how our product can really fit the desires people have. This has been a combination of talking to both consumers and industry folks, getting information where we can.

The first person who really helped was Brent Critchfield from Studio Woe. He created a game named, Gruff (www.studiowoe.comwhere you play a mutated goat herder who is battling against other mutated goat herders. It was such a fun game with such unique art (see above) that Kyle and I fell in love with his product. Well, Brent runs the company himself and has ran successful Kickstarters in the past so he was the perfect candidate to ask questions about how the process goes. 

I spoke with him on the phone for about 2 1/2 hours last year about what we need to think about for every step of production and logistics. At the end of the conversation I realized that this is a lot of work and you can't go into this thinking only about the romantic idea of bringing your game to fruition. It takes a lot of ambition, a lot of sleepless nights filled with planning, a lot of research into which tools are usable on a budget, figuring out which marketing/promotion techniques work best for your situation, planning for worst and best case scenarios, and at the end of the day putting your money where your dreams are because before you go to Kickstarter, you have to work harder than you have ever worked before. This wasn't what he went over with me directly on this phone call but rather he gave me the first few tools I needed to get started. 

So with all of this, Kyle and I are proud to officially announce that we are going to have a booth at Origins. We'll be demoing the game and will have early copies we'll be raffling off every day of Origins. We also have a big prize for Wednesday night.

We're also going to take one lucky person out to a Columbus Crew Soccer Club match against Atlanta on June 13th, 2018. Check it out here: Facebook event

We're funded

Gamma grunts is officially funded!!! Now we just need to keep up the work and hopefully get an additional 300 people. That would be most ste...