Saturday, August 18, 2018

Future Plans - expansions and other games!

Good morning everyone!

I hope you are having a great day. I figured since our first Kickstarter project is now live (we are at %70 and there is still 26 days to go!) now would be a good time to talk about some of our future plans.

I personally have enjoyed the process of making Gamma Grunts a Deck Smash Game. After well over a year of developing and play testing we have our first baby on Kickstarter. Our game includes several aspects of a bunch of different genres bringing us to a new type of game. The decksmash game. The politics, drafting, resource management, and combat fit together in a wonderful soup best served piping hot.

With all of this being said I wanted to talk about some of the ideas we have moving forward for our future games. We have some ideas for expansions for Gamma Grunts, an RPG, a Bike Polo game and perhaps a more traditional deckbuilder.

First I'd like to talk about the two possible expansions to Gamma Grunts. In the creation of the game Gamma Grunts we came to realize that 6 draft piles were just too many because as we switched over from earning draft points by doing damage to recycling it just wasn't realistic to draft 6 and 5 cost cards consistently. As such, those two stacks of cards have been removed from the game. Well, that's where the first of 2 possible expansions come into play here. For the time being we are calling it Gamma Grunts: Breaking The Curve. This expansion would add 5 and 6 cost cards that would be much stronger then of course the 4 cost cards. One such card would be "The Green Smasher" a 7 attack, 7 defense Grunt that takes 2 less damage whenever someone does damage to it. This being so strong, your opponents will each get 3 IT support Grunts. (which are basically Brute, but look like IT people) On the other side, you now have more stuff to smash. so Win, Win, Win right?

We also had come up with ideas for Disruption cards that would stay in play instead of getting recycled after being used. one such example is Heck! which does "This disruption stays on the field after it is played. Each lackey gains +2/1 and must attack and defend each turn if able. If this card were to be Smashed, you may Smash 2 cards off the top of your deck instead."

To make these cards more available for drafting, we would have to add in some cards that help earn crazy amounts of draft points, and more cantrip type cards (cards that replace themselves). We will do that. Also, as a fun addition to the game, we will have additional cards that do "When Drafted" effects. Such as When this card is drafted, lose 1 Infamy, or Smash this card and do 1 damage to any target.Stuff like that should add some nice spice into the game.

For the other expansion we were looking at making a Space/Science Fiction themed version. This will add in Alien Cards, give us new artwork for some older cards and provide a new win condition in the game, be first to build your space death laser as an homage to The Death Star. Building your space laser would add in some new Parts cards as well. its a loose idea at the moment so play testing will need to be done.

Another great project that we have in the works is a Bike polo themed card game. So look out for that.

As for the RPG, there was a game we both just loved playing and in fact how we met and became partners. It was Krosmaster Arena. A great game with Chibi Characters in a death match against each other. fun all around. At one time they came out with a RPGesq game call Krosmaster Quest. It was.... OK as far as games go, but it left a lot to be desired. So using that game as a shell I started creating a more full RPG that would be player guided as they get to build the dungeons and world maps themselves, but use simple combat and skills to accomplish their tasks. Dungeons and world maps would also have the potential of random generation if players so desired. I also went through the trouble of creating several premade mission scenarios that can be used as a campaign. The working title of this game is Progression Quest, but will probably change to something else in the future.

Finally, the last project idea I'd like to put out there is another game set in the gamma Grunts universe called. Gamma Grunts Conquer the World. This would be a more traditional deckbuilder where players vie for world domination while the world fights back at them.

Lots of Love and Mad Science... Kyle

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We're funded

Gamma grunts is officially funded!!! Now we just need to keep up the work and hopefully get an additional 300 people. That would be most ste...